The Rotary Club of Patan Durbar Square joyously celebrated its 21st Chartered Night and Installation Ceremony on the enchanting evening of June 25, 2023, at the delightful Bagaicha Restro & Bar in Jawalakhel. The event was graced by esteemed guests, including DG Rtn. Durga Prasad Subedi, Rtn. Rajani Shrestha (AG), Rtn. Durga Prasad Subedi (DS), along with 21 devoted Club Rotarians, 10 visiting Rotarians, 4 Rotaractors, 6 esteemed guests, and 7 spouses. The atmosphere was filled with camaraderie and unity as everyone came together to commemorate this special milestone.

A poignant moment of silence was observed, paying heartfelt tribute to the late Chartered District Governor Rtn. Tika Man Vaidhya and the late Chartered President of RCPDS Rtn. Ram Prasad Joshi, honoring their remarkable contributions to the club’s growth and impact.

During the event, the outgoing president, Rtn. Chitra Bahadur Pun shared his heartfelt reflections and expressed gratitude to all members, fellow Rotarians, and attendees for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout his tenure. The baton of leadership was then passed to Rtn. Keshab Maharjan, who took over as the new president, introduced his dedicated board members. Also, 7 prospective members were inducted into the event.

As part of their commitment to community service, RC Patan Durbar Square took the opportunity to contribute 10 portable toilets to children in need, particularly those with cerebral palsy, through the CP-friendly toilet project. The generous contributors of these essential facilities included Rtn. Chitra B. Pun, Rtn. Lalita Pun, Rtn. Minu Shrestha, Rtn. Niroz Bhakta Mathema, Rtn. Pragya Karmacharya, Rtn. Indra Kumar Shrestha, Rtn. Keshab Maharjan, Rtn. Gyanendra Bhari, Rtn. Rombus Shrestha, and prospective member Mr. Suraj Maharjan.

The event continued with a delightful dinner program, followed by an enthralling musical performance by the talented members of the Rotaract Club of Patan Durbar Square and the dedicated Club members.
