Date: 26th July 20
Speaker: PP Rtn. Bimal Lal Shrestha
Duration: 45 minutes
Participation: Rotarian: 13 & Rotaractors: 4
Objective: Sharing information of SGCP
Avenue : Club Service
Self-help Group for Cerebral Palsy Nepal (SGCP), which is popularly known in Nepal as CP- Centre, is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established 22 years ago in Kathmandu, is serving children with cerebral palsy. The main objective of the organization is to provide care, comfort and relief to the children and adults with Cerebral Palsy (CP) through various interventions. In line with its objective SGCP runs a rehabilitation centre and special education programme as well as home based support programme to children with cerebral palsy and their parents. Being the only organization in Nepal, which is exclusively dedicated in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, SGCP collaborates with partner organizations and agencies through various means and approaches to attend and benefit the CP cases through out the country. SGCP is an Associate Organization of The International Cerebral Palsy Society, London.
– To help children, youth and adults in physical and/or mental disability conditions due to cerebral palsy to lead a simple life and to be self-reliant through appropriate treatment.
– To provide emotional support to the parents of children with cerebral palsy and to motivate them to provide appropriate help and services to their dependent children on a long term basis.
– To rehabilitate all those cases afflicted due to cerebral palsy through the proper use of available community resources by maintaining close rapport with the parents.
– To conduct training to produce human resource necessary for providing appropriate treatment and rehabilitation services.
– To develop this institute as a resource centre for cerebral palsy.
– To build public awareness through publicity forprevention of cerebral palsy and reading materials on cerebral palsy.
– To utilize knowledge and skills gain from the research findings of international research agencies and associations.
Conclusion: Rotary Club of Patan Durbar Square agreed to support SGCP with various projects under DDF/Global Grants for education equipments, opening day care center in various places of Nepal with Rotary Clubs, organizing half/full day workshop programs and support 1000 helping hand projects to collect Nrs.5 lakh.